Troquer le café de l’après-midi pour une sieste

Une baisse d’énergie est tout à fait normale après le repas (lorsqu’on digère) ou en milieu d’après-midi. Pourtant, l’horaire de travail moderne est rarement adapté à ce besoin naturel de repos pendant la journée ressenti par beaucoup d’entre nous…
6 winning tips for a successful return to the office

6 winning tips for a successful return to the office Telecommuting is still mandatory for jobs that can be done from home. This situation seems to be set to last for a few more months. The return to the office is not for the moment, even less a return to full time. Indeed, many employers […]
How about a nap at work?

How about a nap at work? A blog written by Recharjme If the idea of sleeping in the workplace may seem absurd or even inappropriate, it is a concept that is gaining more and more followers in the working world. Numerous studies have examined the virtues of this practice, which has a beneficial impact on […]