
Saint Urbain Foundation (CIUSSS Centre Sud)


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In the summer of 2019, the Urban Health Foundation organized a sports challenge to fund the Recharjme wellness service. The goal for these 13 brave cyclists was to cover 1000 km to raise $1,000 each. Thanks to the online campaign, a total of $16,600 was ultimately raised. This amount allowed for the rental of 2 rest cabins. These cabins are available in Montreal hospitals Notre-Dame and Verdun.

For the occasion, these two cabins were decorated in the foundation’s colours. They also bear the names of the cyclists, to thank them and highlight their dedication to the well-being of the health network employees.

The Urban Health Foundation is one of the first clients in the hospital sector to acquire these cabins. Since this acquisition was made during the pandemic, we had to work closely with the infection prevention department to ensure the safety of the two relaxation cabins in relation to COVID-19.

Five years after the project launch, 1,250 employees have made more than 16,100 reservations in these cabins. A successful project!
